A beginner’s guide to Email Marketing


The beginner's guide to email marketing

Email marketing has remained popular and effective since it was first introduced in 1978. Email marketing can be used in a range of ways. Many businesses use email marketing to promote new products, sales and to remind customers of their brand. This blog is our beginner’s guide to email marketing.

What is email marketing?

When used effectively, email marketing can be used to strengthen relationships with existing and potentially new customers. Email marketing involves having a mailing list of interested individuals who have opted in to receiving news and information from your business. This could either be through visiting your website and thinking that you could offer them something or could be introduced during the buying process on your website. This usually involves a tick box where users can choose whether or not they would like to receive marketing emails from you.

How to: Email marketing

Target the right audience

The first step to email marketing is to find out who your target audience is and then tailor your email content accordingly. Because email marketing can only be opted into, it is quite likely that you will have individuals on your mailing list who are genuinely interested in what your business has to offer.

Set goals

Setting goals is very important in business and they are extremely useful when it comes to seeing how you can improve. Whether your goal is to introduce a new product or to remind clients of your brand, you can use specific wording and links to improve the chances of conversion rates.

Grow your mailing list

This is essential for email marketing, as individuals are required to sign up to receive your marketing emails. With this in mind, it is definitely worth offering a few different ways for people to sign up, such as through your website.

Once you have completed these three steps, you can begin sending out your emails. You should ensure that your content is relevant and attention grabbing.

How do I know if my email marketing is working?

Email marketing can be measured using a number of tools. There are many metrics that you can look out for such as a click through rates or conversion rates. A click through rate is the amount of times a user clicked through to your website from a link in your email. Conversion rates involve whether a sale was made following a link in your email. Both of these metrics are very important and can act as indications as to whether your email marketing strategy is working efficiently.

Why should I use email marketing?

Email marketing can be used for many reasons, such as introducing new products and services, promoting sales or just simply reminding users of your brand in order to build customer loyalty.

Email marketing has the highest ROI of any digital marketing channels, so if you’re looking for an efficient way to promote your business, email marketing is definitely a method to consider.

At Complete, we offer email marketing out to our clients, because we know how successful it can be when utilised properly. If you would like any more information on email marketing and how it could benefit your business, please don’t hesitate to contact us.