The importance of good photography on your website


Good photography on your website improves each user’s experience drastically. It could be the difference between a customer choosing your services or your competitors. Studies show that websites that use professional photography gain 90% more traffic than those without. So there’s really no question of whether to use it or not in our eyes. This blog is about the importance of good photography on your website.

So what constitutes good photography?

A professional photographer knows the perfect angles to capture your product or service, no matter what it is. Photographers can use their own high-quality equipment to promote the products you have on offer. They really can create stunning visuals in order to give your business a higher level of success. 

How does it help?

It means people will stay on your website for longer, which will give your site a lower bounce rate. This will be due to your impressive visuals. Having a lower bounce rate, as well as optimised images and alt tags, will help your SEO massively, which is exactly what you need to keep people visiting your website.

Having professional photography on your website instils a sense of quality in your company to your future clients. If your products look good, your customers are more likely to want to purchase them. Your customers will find it easier to visualise your product with professional images.

No matter what your company sells, photography is a fantastic way to improve your branding. They can help to create a brand identity and can make your company stand out from the competition. Branding is really important if you want repeat customers. Once your brand is established, more and more people will start to recognise it and be compelled to purchase a product or service from you. 

What’s next?

Using professional photography is a fantastic opportunity for your business, and it will most likely lead to more sales for your business. If you require any professional photography, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We hope this blog has been useful on the importance of good photography on your website.